The general atmosphere in an airport is the continuous movement, dynamism and cutting edge technology. Nothing for free - just like the geometry of engines. The concept proposal seeks to develop the idea of dynamism directly related to the function (essence), characteristic architecture programs for air transport. The dynamic image of our proposal becomes the icon of the airport- the tower is a landmark building, self-contained, requires a certain presence and importance. In terms of volume, the two make a whole building, the administrative building completing and highlighting the geometry of the tower, with rounded shapes, resulted so because of the functional requirements (visibility) and the static and aerodynamic requirements (triangle with rounded corners), enters into dialogue with the administrative building which forms the basis of visual earthing tower in the round. Returning to earth, a courtyard open to the south, counterbalances the speed and height and brings us into an area of calm almost domestic.
Concept and arhitecture: lulian Ungureanu, Radu Ursoiu, Gabriela Claudia Rosca
Structure: DuctiTech
Plants Cristian Tomescu
renderrings: Marius Neagoe, Razvan Popa