A former factory with a very long history in production (http://halelecarol.ro/despre-proiect/istorie/) now transformed in a club with an outer terrace, a cultural hub, a space for leisure, good music, arts and other complementary functions.
After a major incident in 2015 when a club burned and when about 70 persons were killed, the need for this kind of spaces took a turn.
The proposal was to move the former Expirat club, from Brezoianu Street in this wonderful factory, with a great history.
This project asked for some extensions in order to be a conteporary and a safe place that will accomodate up to 500 people indoors, and up to 200 people outdoors.
The extensions of the building itself, are minimal volumes, plated with corten, a material that is in dialogue with the old brick of the factory.
The garden accomodates two shipping containers, transformed into bars. All around the terrace design, there is a living willow structure that shades the layout and complements the coloring of the ansamble.
Pjoject in collaboration with Corvin Cristian Studio.
team: Corvin cristian, Serban Rosca, Gabriela Rosca.